

WebPWebP is an image format that was created in 2010 and is currently being developed by Google. WebP can process both lossless and lossy image formats such as PNG or JPEG. Lossless WebP image files are 26% smaller than PNGs, and the lossy variant can be between 25%...
DS_Store file

DS_Store file

The Mac Finder uses the .DS_StoreThe Mac Finder uses the .DS_Store files to store display options, such as the positions of icons, the size of the Finder window, and window backgrounds.The file does not contain any personal data and can be deleted without hesitation...


An ICS file is a File format for iCalendarAn ICS file is a File format for iCalendar. It can be recognized by the extension .ics . The file format allows you to Calendar entries in your calendar too import , to export and to send to other users as well as to publish...


floating point number or short is one Floating point number (or also Floating point number )


An integerAn integer stores whole numbers. So no decimal places :-) You can find more information here at Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_(Datentyp) stores whole numbers. So no decimal places 🙂 You can find more information here at Wikipedia:...
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