FigmaFigma ist ein webbasiertes Design-Tool, das du für die Erstellung von Benutzeroberflächen, Prototypen und kollaborativen Designprojekten verwenden kannst. Es ermöglicht dir, in Echtzeit mit deinem Team an Designs zu arbeiten, Änderungen sofort zu sehen und...
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) High quality image format (for printing) (PIXEL) The TIFFTIFF (Tagged Image File Format) High quality image format (for printing) (PIXEL) The TIFF or TIF is a lossless image format. In contrast to JPG, TIFF data can be decompressed...
PSD (Adobe Photoshop)Image processing format from Adobe (PIXEL) Adobe Photoshop is a pixel-based image editing program. A PSDPSD (Adobe Photoshop)Image processing format from Adobe (PIXEL) Adobe Photoshop is a pixel-based image editing program. A PSD file can only be...
AI (Adobe Illustrator Format) Adobe vector format (VECTOR) The AIAI (Adobe Illustrator Format) Adobe vector format (VECTOR) The AI is Adobe's in-house vector format and is mainly used to create and edit vector graphics. Logos, icons and graphics are created in...
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Scalable vector graphic (for online media) (VECTOR) The SVGSVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Scalable vector graphic (for online media) (VECTOR) The SVG is particularly suitable for displaying vector graphics on the Internet (e.g. your logo...