Tag: html

Creating imagemap tooltips with CSS and jQuery

Creating imagemap tooltips with CSS and jQuery 0199

In this article you will learn how to create imagemap tooltips with CSS and jQuery. Understanding image maps An image...

Create a horizontal line (dividing line) with HTML 0190

To visually separate two sections from each other, a dividing line, for example, could be a good idea. That’s why...

Create HTML back button and link 0186

HTML back button as link The jump to the previous page can be implemented as a text link, for example....

Include security headers in the .htaccess 0188

Include security headers in the .htaccess To add HTTP response headers in WordPress, you just need to add the following...

Deactivating the XMLRPC interface 0180

Deactivating the XMLRPC interface If you want to improve the security of your WordPress site, the first step is to...

Divi – Replace standard social icons with user-defined icons 0180

If you have the problem that the default icon is also displayed when you insert your own icons, we...

CodePen Generator – Convert HTML, CSS for Divi 0183

This generator allows you to convert CodePen projects for DIVI use in WordPress.

Fixed contact button for DIVI 0156

To be able to use this code in Divi, you need the following generator: https://noprob.olbricht.it/knowledge-base/codepen-generator-html-css-umwandeln-fuer-divi/

DIVI: Move central logo slightly with spaces 0147

With a little trick you can move the logo when it is centered with the HTML space. Inserts the following...

Formatting a link in HTML 0167

You describe a link in HTML as follows: Text Try it out right here: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_link_image


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