File Transfer Protocol (FTPFile Transfer Protocol (FTP): FTP is used to transfer files between different computers on a network. FTP is typically used to upload files to a server from a remote location. While FTP can be used to download files, web-based downloads are...

HTTP: //

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): The HTTP protocol uses TCPTransmission Control Protocol: TCP divides data into data packets that can be sent safely and quickly while minimizing the chance of data loss. It offers a stable and reliable mechanism for the transmission...


User Datagram Protocol: UDP is a connectionless protocol that offers low latency and a loss tolerant implementation. UDPUser Datagram Protocol: UDP is a connectionless protocol that offers low latency and a loss tolerant implementation. UDP is used with processes that...


Internet protocol: IP• Internet protocol: IP is responsible for addressing a data packet. IP encapsulates the data packet that is to be transmitted and adds an address header. The header contains information about the IP addresses of the sender and recipient. The...


Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3): POP3 is one of the three email protocols. It is most commonly used by email clients to allow email to be received. This protocol uses TCP for the administration and delivery of an e-mail.): POP3Post Office...
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