What is MFATwo-factor authentication is a mechanism that allows users to verify an attempt to authenticate. The user must provide a one-time code to confirm authentication that is sent to their device. This code is sent, for example, via text message or generated by a...
DKIMDKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) is a method of e-mail authentication that uses a signature to make it difficult for the sender to falsify. Many providers of e-mail gateways are currently already using two DKIM keys to achieve even more security. Source &...
Microsoft AuthenticatorMicrosoft Authenticator is an app developed by Microsoft with which you can protect all your accounts with a two-step verification. The app supports you in securing your online accounts using time-based OTP codes (one-time password) according to...
When a user visits a website, a “Referrer” header is immediately inserted, telling the server where the visitor is from. This header is used for analytical functions.
As you can see, this poses a data protection problem. This can be...
X-XSS, also known as cross-site scripting, is a security header that protects websites from cross-site scripting. By default, this security header is built into and activated in modern web browsers. When you implement it, your browser will be forced to load it. This...