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  5. Free payment method icons for your online store
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  4. Free payment method icons for your online store

Free payment method icons for your online store

Download payment method icons

In order to offer your customers the best shopping experience, it is important that you present all common payment methods in your online store.
Not only the payment methods offered play a role here, but also their visibility.
We at Olbricht IT, as an experienced partner for webshops with WordPress (WooCommerce) and Odoo, are now offering you a free icon set for the most common payment methods.
You can download the icons here free of charge: Download payment method icons

Source: https://www.dreamstale.com/free-download-payment-method-vector-icons/

The footer of your store is one of the last areas that many visitors see before making a purchase decision.
By presenting the available payment methods there, you create transparency and trust.
Customers want to know if they can use their preferred payment method before they proceed to checkout.
This not only provides clarity, but can also help to reduce abandoned purchases.

Why support modern payment methods?

Nowadays, there are a variety of payment options – from traditional credit cards and PayPal to Apple Pay and other digital wallets.
If you offer your customer base a wide range of payment options, you increase the likelihood that each customer will find the most convenient method for them.
This not only increases customer satisfaction, but also the conversion rate.
As experts in the field of e-commerce, we at Olbricht IT know how important it is to keep your store technically and visually up to date.
Whether you already run a WooCommerce store or are considering switching to Odoo, we can help you set up your store in the best possible way.

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