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Ressourcenmanagement – Project for the web

work resource

A work resource can be assigned in the project under “Assigned to”. The field is a search field and suggests employees and material. When you start a new project, you will be asked if you want to release it. This also gives other people access to this project.

Users can be added directly under “Assign only”, then only the task is assigned, but no access rights to the project are granted or notifications are sent.

Alternatively, you can “add a group” to the project. An existing group can be used or a new one can be created. The user is assigned to the task and given access rights to the project. The project will appear under “Shared with me” and a notification will be sent.

Users can also be added to the group later.

•Internal employees -> Azure AD

•External collaborators -> Azure AD or contact

So that external users are not only displayed in the task, but also have access, they must be a member of the Microsoft 365 group that is assigned to the project. Access for external users is via https://project.microsoft.com/yourguestdomain

contact resource

Existing contacts can be assigned to a task. A new contact must be in

PowerApps can be created under Apps -> Project -> Contacts.

A new contact can be created here.

The contact can now be created as a resource under Resources. Contact is selected as the type.

All contacts are now displayed under the Contact item, or you can search for the contacts.

material resources


Is in

PowerApps created under Apps -> Project -> Resources.

The implement is selected there and a name is required.

The resource can be assigned under “Assigned to” in the project.

Tasks can be assigned to work equipment or people.

cost resources

Are currently (June 2023) not yet available.


only read access to the project -> possible without a license

edit -> at least P1 license in the tennant of the project.

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Published on - 27. Jun 2023
Modified on - 27. Mar 2024
Views - 194
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