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  5. Set up data protection for yumpu and Borlabs Cookie

Set up data protection for yumpu and Borlabs Cookie

With the following settings you can set up yumpu in your WordPress website in compliance with data protection regulations.

Select “Add new” under Cookies & external media

Select “User-defined” under Service and then enter the following data:

  • ID = yumpu
  • Name & Provider = yumpu
  • Purpose = Used to automatically unlock Yumpu content.
  • Data protection URL = https://www.yumpu.com/de/info/privacy_policy
  • Hosts = yumpu.com
  • Cookie name = YUM
  • Cookie duration = 6 months
  • Opt-in code:

2. content blocker

Adds the following content under Content Blocker:

  • ID = yumpu
  • Name = Yumpu
  • Data protection URL = https://www.yumpu.com/de/info/privacy_policy
  • Hosts = yumpu.com

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Published on - 23. May 2021
Modified on - 29. Mar 2024
Views - 58
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