Tag: google analytics

Set up Google Analytics and connect it to the Google Search Console

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Set up Google Analytics and connect it to the Google Search Console 053

To connect your Google Analytics entry with the entry in the Google Search Console, you need a “Universal Analytics” (UA)...

Integrate Google Sitekit with Borlabs Cookie in compliance with GDPR 060

1. create script blocker Next, set the side. Since Sitekit is active everywhere, it doesn’t matter which site you use....

Use Google Analytics and Borlabs Cookie 061

In this guide, we will show you how to configure Google Analytics for your WordPress site with Borlabs Cookie. The...

Google Analytics – Conclude a data protection agreement with Google 052

Go to the administration area (1.), then to your account settings (2.), read the addendum on data processing, complete it...

Google Site Kit – Permissions in Plesk 051

Search for the ID in the firewall logs and add it as an exception.

Connect Google Analytics, AdSense & Search Console with WordPress 050

If you want to attract even more visitors to your WordPress site, it is important to find out how they...


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