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WordPress redirect without plugin

Sometimes we change the URL of pages or remove pages from our site. It’s a pity not to redirect these pages to other existing pages. First, we won’t lose the traffic that these sites derive, but it’s also bad for Google if visitors come to your site and want to resist dropping off first. Our job is to redirect pages without using a plugin. I start with what I personally think is the best path, and then progressively less attractive options follow.

Redirect via .htaccess

The .htaccess file is in the public_html of your hosting. You can reach this place via FTP or with a professional hosting with Cpanel or similar programs. Make sure you set the settings to show hidden files. In the Cpanel you will find the button with “Settings” at the top right.

The image above also shows where the .htaccess file is located. You can open and modify them directly or download them to your PC and upload them modified again. When the file is open, it will look something like the following.

1. Redirect 301 /divi-review http://www.webstick.blog/divi-theme-review

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Published on - 9. Oct 2022
Modified on - 27. Mar 2024
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