ReputationReputation means the reputation of a product, company or service among others, i.e. whether customers trust it or not. The crucial question is whether and, above all, how much trust is given to companies and their products. reveals what makes a good reputation and how you can best build and maintain it in order to win long-term satisfied customers.... means the reputationReputation means the reputation of a product, company or service among others, i.e. whether customers trust it or not. The crucial question is whether and, above all, how much trust is given to companies and their products. reveals what makes a good reputation and how you can best build and maintain it in order to win long-term satisfied customers.... of a product, company or service among others, i.e. whether customers trust it or not. The crucial question is whether and, above all, how much trust is given to companies and their products. ProvenExpert.comWhy you should use customer ratings: Changed consumer behavior 85 percent of all consumers trust online reviews as well as personal recommendations; 89 percent even check personal recommendations from friends and compare them with reviews on the Internet. The recommendation remains the silver bullet, but the framework in which it is given and “heard” has changed: It is recommended today... reveals what makes a good reputationReputation means the reputation of a product, company or service among others, i.e. whether customers trust it or not. The crucial question is whether and, above all, how much trust is given to companies and their products. reveals what makes a good reputation and how you can best build and maintain it in order to win long-term satisfied customers.... and how you can best build and maintain it in order to win long-term satisfied customers.