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  4. Deactivate author page for Google in WordPress
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  6. Deactivate author page for Google in WordPress

Deactivate author page for Google in WordPress

If you regularly publish blog posts on your WordPress site, the question arises as to whether you should indicate the author of the texts. According to Google, author pages on a website can strengthen trust in the content. An author page makes sense, especially if you deal with sensitive topics in the areas of finance, medicine or security. If you are working with several authors on your blog, it can also be useful to list them if they are experts on the topic. In all other cases, however, the author page is superfluous. We explain how you can deactivate author pages in your blog:

This is how you can deactivate the author pages with the Yoast SEO plugin:

1. YOAST WordPress Plugin

You need the Yoast SEO plugin. Don’t worry, the free version is perfectly adequate here.
Click on Plugins in the WordPress backend –> Install –> Search for Yoast, install and activate the plugin

2. deactivate author page

To deactivate the author pages, proceed as follows:

In the WordPress backend, click on SEO –> Display in search –> Archives –> Click on “OFF” for Author – Archive

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Published on - 15. Jan 2022
Modified on - 28. Mar 2024
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