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  5. Divi Theme – Solve long loading times and performance problems

Divi Theme – Solve long loading times and performance problems

To solve the problem, first make sure that you have installed the latest WordPress and theme version. Then carry out the following steps one after the other and check the problem:

  • If you are using a cache plugin, delete its cache
  • Refresh your page to exclude the browser cache (Clear cache Google Chrome):
    • Windows: ctrl + F5
    • Mac/Apple: Apple + R or Command + R
    • Linux: F5.
  • Deactivate all browser extensions – Go to Divi > Theme Options > Performance page, deactivate all active tabs and save them. Then activate it again and save again. This deletes the performance cache files.

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Published on - 25. Jan 2022
Modified on - 28. Mar 2024
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