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  5. Efficient color management for Mac users: Discover the System Color Picker
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  5. Efficient color management for Mac users: Discover the System Color Picker

Efficient color management for Mac users: Discover the System Color Picker

At Olbricht IT, we understand the importance of efficient workflows, especially when it comes to design and web development. We would therefore like to introduce an outstanding application for Mac users: the “System Color Picker”. This app is an indispensable tool for anyone who regularly works with color codes.

Functions and advantages

  • Fast color code recognition: With simple key combinations, you can capture any color code on your screen in a flash.
  • Versatile format support: Hex, HSL, RGB or LCH – choose the format you need.
  • Always at hand: Use the app as part of your menu bar or as a standalone window.
  • Increased efficiency: Thanks to shortcut support, you can optimize your workflows and save time.


Application scenarios

Ideal for web designers, graphic designers and developers who work on a Mac. The System Color Picker facilitates color selection and adjustment, resulting in faster and more precise design.

The app has these functions

  • Fast copying, pasting and converting of colors in hex, HSL, RGB and LCH format
  • Display as a normal application or in the menu bar
  • The window can remain above all other windows
  • Last selected colors
  • Support for shortcuts


Keyboard shortcut

You can use the following shortcuts in the app:

  • Select color: Command+p
  • Copy as hex: Shift+Command+h
  • Copy as HSL: Shift+Command+s
  • Copy as RGB: Shift+Command+r
  • Copy as LCH: Shift+Command+l
  • Insert color: Shift+Command+v (in Hex, HSL, RGB or LCH format)



You can download the app from the App Store here:

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Published on - 18. Dec 2023
Modified on - 27. Mar 2024
Views - 55
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