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To create a DMARC entry

To create a DMARC entry

How do I create a DMARC entry? Once SPF and DKIM are in place, you configure DMARC by adding policies to your domain’s DNS records in the form of TXT records (just like with SPF or DKIM).

The TXT entry name should be “_dmarc.yourdomain.com”, where “yourdomain.com” is replaced by your actual domain name (or subdomain).

Here are common tags used in DMARC TXT entries:

Day NameRequiredPurposeExample
vrequiredProtocol versionv=DMARC1
prequiredPolicy for the domainp=quarantine
pctoptional% of messages that were subjected to filteringpct=20
ruaoptionalReport URI of aggregated reportsrua=mailto:[email protected]
calloptionalAddresses to which message-specific forensic information is to be reported (comma-separated plain text list of URIs).ruf=mailto:[email protected]
rfoptionalFormat for message-specific forensic information reports (comma-separated plain text value list).rf=afrf
aspfoptionalAlignment mode for SPFaspf=r
adkimoptionalAlignment mode for DKIMadkim=r

Visit DMARC Tag Registry for other available tags.

When you log in to app.dmarcanalyzer.com, go to “DNS Records” to generate your DMARC record.

Only the tags v (version) and p (policy) are required. There are three possible policy settings or message dispositions available:

  • none policy: Do not take any action. Only log the messages concerned on the daily report.
  • quarantine policy: Mark affected messages as spam.
  • reject policy: Cancels the message on the SMTP layer.
How to create a DMARC record - DMARC Analyzer

The alignment mode(aspf / adkim) refers to the accuracy with which sender entries are compared with SPF and DKIM signatures, whereby the two possible values are represented by “r” and “s” respectively. In short, relaxed allows partial matches, such as subdomains of a particular domain, while strict requires an exact match.

Dieser Beitrag ist auch verfügbar auf: Deutsch (German)

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Published on - 12. Mar 2021
Modified on - 29. Mar 2024
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