Your own reach and a good ranking depend on good quality content. So for content to rank well, it must meet certain quality standards.
Low-quality content, so-called thin content
Automatically created content:
Automatically generated content has no benefit for the user. These can be nonsense texts, for example, that were only created to rank well for certain keywords. In addition, automatically generated translations that have not been subsequently checked and, if necessary, edited are also affected. The same applies to content from different websites that has merely been copied and merged and offers no added value.
Thin affiliate websites
Thin affiliate websites do not explicitly refer to all those affiliate sites that provide original product tests, reviews and comparisons, for example. It’s much more about the websites, which often use a ready-made template or often take content from other sites and generally put the affiliate program in the foreground. Instead, the focus should be on information about products, prices and, if applicable, possible uses or instructions.
Duplicate content
If you only copy what is already on other websites, you are not contributing anything new and will therefore not rank well, as there is no added value for users. Quotations or summaries from other websites are of course okay; it is only important that the original sources are named or linked and that the author’s own contribution is recognizable, for example in the form of a classification or by adding figures or further arguments.
Doorway pages
So-called doorway pages or bridge pages are specially prepared for search engines. They are keyword-optimized for specific cities or regions, for example, but lead to a website that offers no corresponding regional content. Once again, there is no added value for users; this is also sanctioned by Google.
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