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“In Your Face”: Appointment reminder via screen blocking

With In Your Face, Berlin-based developer Martin Höller has developed an extension for Apple’s calendar app on the Mac that helps you never miss an appointment again.

The app is aimed equally at Mac users at home or in the office who, despite the notifications in the message center, still occasionally miss a video conference or other important appointments. “In Your Face” blocks the entire screen on time and sends a full-screen reminder of the respective appointment; depending on the type of meeting, it is sometimes also possible to jump directly to the corresponding video conference – the most popular services are supported here.

The app itself is located in the Mac menu bar and can also be configured from there. In conjunction with this, user-defined reminders can also be created quickly and easily independently of the synchronized calendar entries.

So that “In Your Face” doesn’t take you out of your work process every time a calendar event occurs, you can set whether you only want the massive reminders to appear in connection with selected calendars, for example. In addition, the same as well as extended time settings can be set on the basis of the individual calendar entries.

“In Your Face” is available in the Mac App Store for 5.99 euros. With the current version 1.19.0, the developer has integrated a function that disables the keyboard shortcut for closing a reminder for the first two seconds to prevent this from happening by accidental input.

Dieser Beitrag ist auch verfügbar auf: Deutsch (German)

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Published on - 23. Dec 2021
Modified on - 28. Mar 2024
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