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  5. Write the NFC tag with the iPhone
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  4. Write the NFC tag with the iPhone

Write the NFC tag with the iPhone

In this example we will write onevCard link to an NFC tag.

Load iPhone App NFC Tools

Download the following app from the Appstore: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/nfc-tools/id1252962749 – This app worked the most reliably in our test of several NFC apps!

Upload your vCard

Upload your vCard viaFTP or other tools on your web server. As an example, here is my vCard uploaded to our WordPress site:

To upload the vCards via WordPress to allow, follow these steps:


After uploading the file, we now write the link on the NFC tag.
We can recommend the following NFC tags:


Follow these steps to describe how to do this:

  • Open the app
  • Click Write
  • Choose Add Record
  • chooseURL/URI
  • Paste the URL and remove https:// from the beginning
  • Click Write
  • Approach the NFC tag you want to write to
  • DONE ????

Dieser Beitrag ist auch verfügbar auf: Deutsch (German)

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Published on - 26. Feb 2023
Modified on - 27. Mar 2024
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