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  5. Optimize Divi Theme and WP Rocket Cache settings

Optimize Divi Theme and WP Rocket Cache settings

To ensure that caching with WP Rocket works well in the Divi theme, set the following in the Divi theme settings:

Divi 4.10 performance update

Version 4.10 of Divi introduced various features. This is the compatibility of WP Rocket:

  • WP Rocket’s Remove Unused CSS is compatible with Divi’s Critical CSS
  • You can set these compatibility exclusions in WP Rocket’s Delay JavaScript execution feature to load Divi’s animated elements without interaction
  • No issues have been reported with other Divi features such as Defer jQuery and jQuery Migrate, Disable WordPress Emojis and Defer additional third-party scripts, but it is recommended to disable them and only use WP Rockets features to avoid duplicate optimizations.

Split tests

Divi’s split testing is not compatible with caching as it is based on PHP, which is not available on a cached page.

Blog module disappears

The Divi Blog module is not compatible with the “Load CSS asynchronously” function. To remedy this, you can:

Deactivate Load CSS Asynchronously on the affected page


Exclude the Divi main stylesheet from the “Load CSS asynchronously” option:

Normally the file path is: /wp-content/themes/Divi/style.css, but if you are using a child theme, it will be different.

Minify/Combine CSS/JavaScript – Static CSS File Generation

If you are using Divi 3.26.8 or later, it is not necessary to make the changes described in this section. This means that you can leave the Divi options “Minify” and “Static CSS” activated.

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