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  4. Own praise cards in Microsoft Teams

Own praise cards in Microsoft Teams

We should praise our colleagues more often when they help us, generate ideas or just as a motivational impulse. Praise is also possible in Microsoft Teams chats and conversations thanks to the Praise Teams app.

Praise is a standard Microsoft Teams app that can be managed in the Teams Admin Center (like all apps). Microsoft already provides some praise cards.

Add your own Praise cards

It is also very easy to add your own Praise cards in the Admin Teams Center. To do this, after logging in to the Teams admin center (admin.teams.microsoft.com), open the menu item [Teams-Apps] and go to the subpage [Apps verwalten]. The easiest way to find the Praise app is to use the search field.

Click on the name to open the app configuration. To add your own badges, open the Settings page in the configuration.

With the [+Add] action, new elements can be created and distributed with just a few data entries.

After creating a new card with the most important data (name, graphic, text color and background color), the award can be added with the [Apply] button. Finally, the distribution process must be started with the button [Senden]. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

Now you can start praising!

Source: https://einfachsagen.de/eigene-praise-lob-kaertchen-in-microsoft-teams/

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Published on - 7. Jan 2021
Modified on - 29. Mar 2024
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