#1 SEO Tips.
Keywords here, keywords there and the search engine optimization
SEO stands for in German Search engine optimization and is derived from the English: search engine optimization
SEO is about organic ranking optimization, not paid advertising.
is done?
Unfortunately it’s not that easy. Giving Google the keywords for the site hasn’t worked for a number of years and placing the keyword 100 times invisibly on the site can even lead to penalties.
Nevertheless, you have to make it clear to Google for which keyword a certain page should be ranked. In order for it to work, you should use the keyword in the following positions on the page:
✔ Page Title and Meta Title
✔ Meta Description
✔URLA Uniform Resource Locator identifies and locates a resource, for example a website, via the access method to be used and the location of the resource in computer networks.
✔ H1 heading
✔ In the first paragraph
✔ Alt attribute of the first image
In addition, the keyword and related terms should appear to a normal extent in the other headings and body text.
Basically, a single page should be created for each keyword.
Dieser Beitrag ist auch verfügbar auf: Deutsch (German)