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“Using the iPhone”: Apple’s basic tips for new iPhone users

Apparently with Christmas in mind, Apple has quickly published a quick guide entitled “How to navigate your iPhone with Face ID” on YouTube. Don’t get the wrong idea: This is not about how to operate the iPhone using Face ID, but the most important basic functions on a current Face ID device are explained.

The video is currently only available in English and it is unlikely that Apple will release a German translation this year.

However, the three-minute article could certainly be helpful when taking your first steps with a new iPhone. The basic operation in conjunction with iOS 14 is explained here step by step. This also includes how to switch the iPhone completely off and on again. This is a step that is sometimes taken far too rarely, as it can also be used to resolve complications.

  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 0:12 – Unlock iPhone
  • 0:24 – Switch between apps
  • 0:35 – Close apps
  • 0:42 – Switch to the home screen
  • 0:51 – Open control center
  • 1:04 – View messages
  • 1:16 – Using Siri
  • 1:46 – Take a screenshot
  • 2:09 – Activate operating aids
  • 2:31 – Switch off iPhone
  • 2:43 – Switch on iPhone

Source: https://www.iphone-ticker.de/das-iphone-verwenden-apples-basistipps-fuer-neue-iphone-nutzer-167863/

Dieser Beitrag ist auch verfügbar auf: Deutsch (German)

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Published on - 7. Jan 2021
Modified on - 29. Mar 2024
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