Add a new user to Microsoft Teams

This article describes the steps required to license a new user and give them access to Microsoft Teams.

1. create users in the Admincenter

Follow this link and log in. You must be a user administrator to do this.

Click on Add user
Enter the basics, licenses and desired roles.

It is important to have a password created automatically and to create it only temporarily so that the user can then set their own password. In the 2nd step, the correct license must be assigned. For most applications, it is not necessary to select a separate role.

2. login of the new user

The new user can now log in at

Microsoft Teams can be started here:

The desktop app for Win & Mac can also be downloaded

Now download the mobile app or the desktop app for Windows or Mac as required.

Dieser Beitrag ist auch verfügbar auf: Deutsch (German)

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Published on - 5. May 2021
Modified on - 29. Mar 2024
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