Wouldn’t it be a lot easier if users could reset their own passwords?
Fortunately, Microsoft can take this hurdle for us, because there is a “self-service password reset” that you can easily activate with just a few clicks.
Reduce support costs and help your users become more independent!
Login to Azure AD
Navigate to https://aad.portal.azure.com/ and select the “Azure Active Directory” out of.
Now the overview opens AzureAD , here you select the item “Reset your password”.
Enable self-service password reset:
Now you have 2 options:
Activate a specific user group
Click on “Selected” and select a user group, then confirm with “Save”.
Enable self-service password reset for all users
Select “All” and then confirm your entry with “Save”
Now the activation is complete, at the next login the user will be asked to provide a phone number or an e-mail address for recovery.
If in yours tenantThe client (English tenant ) is the highest level of regulatory authority in the IT system and represents a closed unit in the system in terms of data and organization. The client thus structures the use of the system. A Tenant needed. The tenant is the “rented room” in the Microsoft data center, which is identified by the tenant name... MFATwo-factor authentication is a mechanism that allows users to verify an attempt to authenticate. The user must provide a one-time code to confirm authentication that is sent to their device. This code is sent, for example, via text message or generated by a code via an app such as Microsoft Authenticator on a smartphone. the Multi-factor authentication ( MFA ),... is enabled, this can also be used to reset your password.
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