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  5. Exchange online – sharing and forwarding

Exchange online – sharing and forwarding

Manage shared mailboxes:

Teams and groups

1. shared mailboxes
2. button to add the mailbox
3. by clicking Info’s about the free . P.O. Box (next page)

Info of the respective shared mailbox

1. here you can enter ONE email address to which the mailbox should be forwarded.
If it is to be forwarded to several recipients, you must create a group (next page)

2. members can be added here so that the mailbox is also displayed in your Outlook.

Distribution lists (forwarding to many)

Teams and groups

1. active teams and groups
2. distribution list
3. distribution groups can be added here.

Add group

Select distribution and assign a name on the next page.
Create an email address for the group. The group can be reached via this e-mail.
It is important to check the box next to Communication from outside.

Next, create group, then the group is created. It sometimes takes a while before the group is visible.

To define the recipients for the group email, see next page

Members (recipients)
Click on the name of the group to open the info window.
Members can now be added under “Members”.
Every owner must also be a member.
Every e-mail that is sent to the group e-mail is forwarded to all members.

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Published on - 22. Jan 2022
Modified on - 28. Mar 2024
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