Instead of a long link, it is much nicer to display an icon! And only if there is an entry in an element. This makes the SharePoint SharePoint is the intranet solution from Microsoft. SharePoint Online SharePoint online (SPO) is usually included in your Microsoft 365 subscription, but can also be purchased directly. SharePoint Online has the advantage that there is no need to operate a separate server, but it lacks the customization options of a self-hosted installation of SharePoint.Although SharePoint Online is limited to core functions... list clearer and more dynamic.
You can copy this jsonJavaScript Object Notation is abbreviated as JSON. JSON is programming language independent and compact. We use JSON code to format SharePoint online:Show search results code:
"$schema": "",
"elmType": "div",
"children": [
"elmType": "a",
"attributes": {
"target": "_blank",
"iconName": "Folder",
"class": "sp-field-quickActions",
"href": "=if(@currentField!='',@currentField,''"
"style": {
"display": "=if(@currentField!='', 'block','none !important')",
"padding-left": "40px"
You can select the icon (“iconName”) from the fabric icons Office UI Fabric is the JavaScript front-end framework for creating interfaces for Office and Office 365. Fabric provides visually-oriented components that you can expand, revise, and use in your Office add-in. Because Fabric uses the Office design language, Fabric's UX components look like a natural extension of Office. You can find a list of all icons here: Here in the example it is “Folder”.
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