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Microsoft Exchange – Cloud vs. on-premises

A great article and comparison of the two solutions.

Before it really gets going

Cloud products are known for the fact that you can start a trial version at any time without having to make any major preparations. The situation is different for on premise systems.

Cloudon Premise
First costswith final handover of the system to the customer, possibly slightly earlier for training or workshopswell in advance, as the network and computer infrastructure must be procured in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications
Initial investmentlow to noneOften high acquisition costs for hardware
Capital tied uplowhigh
License costscontainAcquisition costs plus maintenance

Support and service

CloudOn Premise
Support commitmentYou are a number. No matter how big you are.In-house IT can “cushion” a great deal.
Emergency supportBad luckthrough own IT
Service costslowhigh

Follow-up costs

Clear advantage for the cloud solution.

CloudOn Premise
Hardwarelow to noneContinuous hardware renewal necessary
License and license update costscontainCosts for software assurance or maintenance

Here you can find the complete article:https://www.itk-security.de/cloud-vs-on-premises/

Dieser Beitrag ist auch verfügbar auf: Deutsch (German)

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Published on - 10. Jan 2021
Modified on - 29. Mar 2024
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