OData query operators supported by the SharePoint REST service
Supported | Not supported |
Numerical comparisons Lt Le Gt Ge Eq Ne | Arithmetic operators (Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod) Basic mathematical functions (rounding, lower limit, upper limit) |
StringA string is a data type that contains a character string. Detailed information is available here: https://www.inf.hs-flensburg.de/lang/prog/string.htm#:~:text=Strings%20sind%20Objekte,ein%20Objekt%20der%20Klasse%20String. comparisons startsWith substringof Eq Ne | endsWith replace substring tolower toupper trim concatthe Concat Function concatenates the result of a formula in all Records applied to a table, resulting in a single string. Use this function to summarize the strings of a table as the Sum -Function with numbers makes. Further information is available here: https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/powerapps/maker/canvas-apps/functions/function-concatenate |
Date and time functions day() month() year() hour() minute() second() | Operator “DateTimeRangesOverlap” Query whether date-time falls into a recurring date-time pattern |
The following figure shows supported OData

ascThe abbreviation is used to sort data values: ASC = sort in ascending order (lowest value first) and descThe abbreviation is used to sort data values: DESC = sort in descending order (largest value first) can be used for sorting!
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Further examples:
Select a range of values | Copyfilter=Entry_No gt 610 and Entry_No lt 615 Query on GLEntry service. Returns entry numbers 611 through 614. | .. |
And | Copyfilter=Country_Region_Code eq 'ES' and Payment_Terms_Code eq '14 DAYS' Query on Customer service. Returns customers in Spain where Payment_Terms_Code=14DAYS. | & |
Or | Copyfilter= Country_Region_Code eq 'ES' or Country_Region_Code eq 'US' Query on Customer service. Returns customers in Spain and the United States.![]() | | |
Less than | Copyfilter=Entry_No lt 610 Query on GLEntry service. Returns entry numbers that are less than 610. | < |
Greater than | Copyfilter= Entry_No gt 610 Query on GLEntry service. Returns entry numbers 611 and higher. | > |
Greater than or equal to | Copyfilter=Entry_No ge 610 Query on GLEntry service. Returns entry numbers 610 and higher. | >= |
Less than or equal to | Copyfilter=Entry_No le 610 Query on GLEntry service. Returns entry numbers up to and including 610. | <= |
Different from (not equal) | Copyfilter=VAT_Bus_Posting_Group ne 'EXPORT' Query on Customer service. Returns all customers with VAT_Bus_Posting_Group not equal to EXPORT. | <> |
endswith | Copyfilter=endswith(VAT_Bus_Posting_Group,'RT') Query on Customer service. Returns all customers with VAT_Bus_Posting_Group values that end in RT. | * |
startswith | Copyfilter=startswith(Name, 'S') Query on Customer service. Returns all customers names beginning with “S”. | |
substringof | Copyfilter=substringof(Name, ‘urn’) Query on Customer service. Returns customer records for customers with names containing the stringA string is a data type that contains a character string. Detailed information is available here: https://www.inf.hs-flensburg.de/lang/prog/string.htm#:~:text=Strings%20sind%20Objekte,ein%20Objekt%20der%20Klasse%20String. “urn”. | |
length | Copyfilter=length(Name) gt 20 Query on Customer service. Returns customer records for customers with names longer than 20 characters. | |
indexof | Copyfilter=indexof(Location_Code, ‘BLUE’) eq 0 Query on Customer service. Returns customer records for customers having a location code beginning with the stringA string is a data type that contains a character string. Detailed information is available here: https://www.inf.hs-flensburg.de/lang/prog/string.htm#:~:text=Strings%20sind%20Objekte,ein%20Objekt%20der%20Klasse%20String. BLUE. | |
replace | Copyfilter=replace(City, 'Miami', 'Tampa') eq 'CODERED' | |
substring | Copyfilter=substring(Location_Code, 5) eq 'RED' Query on Customer service. Returns true for customers with the stringA string is a data type that contains a character string. Detailed information is available here: https://www.inf.hs-flensburg.de/lang/prog/string.htm#:~:text=Strings%20sind%20Objekte,ein%20Objekt%20der%20Klasse%20String. RED in their location code starting as position 5. | |
tolower | Copyfilter=tolower(Location_Code) eq 'code red' | |
toupper | Copyfilter=toupper(FText) eq '2ND ROW' | |
trim | Copyfilter=trim(FCode) eq 'CODE RED' | |
concatthe Concat Function concatenates the result of a formula in all Records applied to a table, resulting in a single string. Use this function to summarize the strings of a table as the Sum -Function with numbers makes. Further information is available here: https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/powerapps/maker/canvas-apps/functions/function-concatenate | Copyfilter=concat(concat(FText, ', '), FCode) eq '2nd row, CODE RED' | |
day | Copyfilter=day(FDateTime) eq 12 | |
month | Copyfilter=month(FDateTime) eq 12 | |
year | Copyfilter=year(FDateTime) eq 2010 | |
hour | Copyfilter=hour(FDateTime) eq 1 | |
minute | Copyfilter=minute(FDateTime) eq 32 | |
second | Copyfilter=second(FDateTime) eq 0 | |
round | Copyfilter=round(FDecimal) eq 1 | |
floor | Copyfilter=floor(FDecimal) eq 0 | |
ceiling | Copyfilter=ceiling(FDecimal) eq 1 |
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