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  5. Show all e-mails in Outlook (not just the last 12 months)

Show all e-mails in Outlook (not just the last 12 months)

If Outlook does not show you all emails from the past, the default setting of 12 months is probably set.

Proceed as follows to display all e-mails.

Adjustments to the account settings in Outlook

  • Click on File in Outlook, open the account settings and select Account settings again…
  • A window will open, select the mailbox you want to set and click on “Change”
  • Another Exchange account settings window opens
  • Set the slider from 12 months to “All”
  • It may take some time until all e-mails are loaded from the Exchange server
  • You should then see all existing emails from your inbox!

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Published on - 6. Jun 2023
Modified on - 27. Mar 2024
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