Email encryption options for Microsoft 365 Exchange online
Email encryption options for Microsoft 365 Exchange online
The following options are available
Office Message EncryptionEncryption is the process by which data is made illegible and unusable for unauthorized viewers. In order to use or read encrypted data, you must decrypted will. A secret key is required for this. There are two types of top-level encryption: symmetrical and asymmetrical . In the symmetric encryption the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data...., OMEOffice 365 Message Encryption (OME) is a service built on top of Azure Rights Management (Azure RMS) that allows you to send encrypted emails to people inside or outside your organization, regardless of the email address. Destination address (Gmail, Yahoo! Mail,, etc.).As an administrator, you can set up transport rules that define the conditions for encryption. When a user...
confidential business information to people outside your organization
regardless of whether they are consumers or other companies
Information Rights Management, IRMIRM is an encryption solution that also applies usage restrictions to email messages. With this solution, you can prevent sensitive information from being printed, forwarded, or copied by unauthorized persons. IRM functions in Microsoft 365 use Azure Rights Management (Azure RMS).
confidential details about a new product, apply the “Do not forward” option
Both the e-mail and the attachment must be protected